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National Trust

National Trust.
1 reviews
16 k downloads

Explore 550+ UK historic sites with offline maps and tailored guides

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The National Trust app provides you with the opportunity to explore a stunning collection of over 550 locations under the care of the Trust throughout England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Using the app as your personal guide, you can relish enchanting days out at historic homes, striking coastlines, and picturesque countryside.

Designed to enhance your experience, the application features an up-to-date repository of events, ensuring that there is always something novel for visitors to uncover on their next outing. The platform enables visitors to make their visits more memorable by downloading maps, trails, and audio guides directly onto their devices, which is an especially valuable resource for navigating these sites.

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The app's intuitive 'What's On' section allows visitors to easily discover events that match their interests, ranging from educational talks and tours to art exhibitions, theatre performances, and live music. Additionally, the capability of accessing all necessary planning details offline proves indispensable in more secluded retreats.

An interactive experience awaits as users can invite friends to join their adventures or share their exciting plans with them through social media, email, or text message, making it a collective journey. It's important to acknowledge that places in Scotland are managed by The National Trust for Scotland; hence, they are not featured within this platform.

To fully enjoy the robust features and conveniences offered and to stay informed about specific terms and conditions, please visit the official website. Engage with rich heritage and breathtaking landscapes at your fingertips, and start planning your next cultural escape today.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by National Trust..

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 6.0 or higher required

Information about National Trust 4.4.11

Package Name uk.org.nt.android.app1
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Travel and Transportation
Language English
69 more
Author National Trust.
Downloads 15,978
Date Aug 20, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 4.4.09 Android + 6.0 Dec 18, 2023
apk 4.4.07 Android + 6.0 Aug 12, 2023
apk 4.4.05 Android + 6.0 Oct 29, 2022
apk 4.4.04 Android + 6.0 Sep 14, 2022
apk 4.4.03 Android + 6.0 Aug 21, 2022
apk 4.4.02 Android + 6.0 May 26, 2022

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